Welcome back, Alumni!
Your success means a lot to us—that’s why we want to hear from you. Please take a moment to register as an Alumnus/a. You will be added to our mailing list and receive periodic newsletters and notices of events on campus. And, please, tell us about yourself … where you are working, what brought you to this site, if you’d like to be involved more with the Alumni Association, etc.
Do you know about our Warranty Statement? If you graduated within the last two years, and your employer is not completely satisfied with the skills you learned in your program at Albany Tech, we will retrain you in the deficient area free of charge! For more information about our warranty, call the Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs at 229-430-2864.
The Albany Tech Alumni Association exists to:
- Promote fellowship among alumni, faculty, staff, and students of the College
- Strengthen the ties between the College family and the community
- Promote and support the activities and objectives of the College
- Act as an agency for the dissemination of information to alumni and potential students.
"Albany Technical College likes to keep up with the success of our Alumni. We are very proud of your achievements and want to showcase you and also reach out to you from time to time. Please assist us with this task. The placement of our students is just as important as the quality education that they receive. That’s why your success is a testimony to our hard work in educating our students for the jobs of tomorrow."
Please update the college with your current information and career success. Albany Tech will share some of these stories on our website, through social media, and other media. Look for an announcement coming soon on how you can share your stories. If you or someone you know is a graduate of Albany Technical College over our 60-year span, then your participation is appreciated. Official college information will be sent to the participants from time to time as a way to continue to highlight the important achievements and contributions our graduates make to the community every day. This communication will also offer our graduates a way to keep up with their Alma mater as they grow in their careers.
Send us an email. alumni@albanytech.edu