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A Brief History
Albany Tech traces its roots back to 1961 when it was established as the Monroe Area Vocational-Technical School enrolling 175 students. Shortly thereafter, the Albany Area Vocational-Technical School was built, and in 1972 the two schools were merged in the current location.
In July 1988, the Georgia Department of Technical and Adult Education (DTAE), now A Unit of the Technical College System of Georgia, was formed and the newly named Albany Technical Institute came under its direction. Albany Tech was charged with providing technical education opportunities to the residents, businesses and industries within a seven-county service delivery area. These counties include Baker, Calhoun, Clay, Dougherty, Lee, Randolph and Terrell.
With the passage of House Bill 1187, the Georgia Legislature approved the changing of DTAE technical institutes' names to "college," providing they offered associate degrees. Meeting the criterion, Albany Technical Institute became Albany Technical College with a grand ceremony on July 6, 2000.
Our Vision
Albany Technical College (ATC) is the college of choice for workforce development, technical and adult education and a higher education pathway. ATC is widely recognized in Southwest Georgia as achieving desired outcomes for students who ultimately transform communities. Further, ATC prepares students for the evolving global economy. ATC also prides itself in being an exemplary employer.
Our Mission
Albany Technical College (ATC) located in Southwest Georgia, a unit of the Technical College System of Georgia, offers Technical Certificates of Credit, Diplomas, and Associate Degrees. ATC exists to train individuals to meet dynamic workforce needs, promote economic and community growth through the delivery of quality credit instruction, adult education, and customized training using traditional and distance education formats.
Philosophy of Technical Education
Albany Technical College’s philosophy of technical education is to empower students to become active participants in their learning process through the introduction of current and relevant information, program structure and mental and physical repetition of knowledge and skills. Technical education is a life-long process that prepares students to be self-directed, problem-solvers, critical-thinkers, and valuable members of society.
Albany Technical College Strategic Plan 2024-2029